
Secondment at Lancey Energy Storage , April 2024

María Fernández Moya, CUNEF Universidad Work Package 4 of the EM4FIT Project delves into the agents of entrepreneurship, innovation, and talent from a historical perspective. Our goal with this package is to emphasize the critical role played by institutional and cultural contexts in entrepreneurship, and how social embeddedness fosters and expands innovation. A central argument […]


Start-up environments and the case of tourism

Report from a secondment at Tetuan Valley, Madrid Anne-Mette Hjalager, Department of Business and Sustainability University of Southern Denmark April 22, 2024 The secondment conducted at Tetuan Valley, Madrid, in March-April 2024 was performed as part of work package 2. This work package “aims to unveil what kind of factors or mechanisms that motivate and […]

Call for Papers

Call for Abstract – Special Theme Track “Sustainability in Entrepreneurship and Small Business”

Nordic Conference on Small Business Research (NCSB2024)29 – 31 May 2024 at the Turku School of Economics, Finland Track Chairs: Martin SenderovitzZealand Academy, Denmark Simon Jebsen ( of Southern Denmark, Denmark Elli VerhulstNTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Demands and wishes for sustainability come from many places. Consumers and businesses worldwide are preoccupied […]


Call for Papers: Sustainable HRM and New Ways of Working

Track Proponents & Guest Editors:Simon Jebsen, University of Southern DenmarkKonstantina Tzini, CUNEF University Madrid, SpainSylvia Rohlfer, CUNEF University Madrid, SpainAbderrahman Hassi, Al Akhawayn University Ifrane, Morocco EURAM 2024 SIG 09_04 Organisational Behaviour Track & MREV Special Issue Companies, employees, and scholars alike have taken a growing interest in sustainable HRM (Ehnert et al., 2016; Stahl […]


A new book has been published: “Olive oil and Cooperativism in Western Catalonia”

Ramon Ramon-Muñoz (2023): Oli d’oliva i cooperativisme a la Catalunya de Ponent. La Cooperativa la Granadella, 1920-2022 [Olive oil and Cooperativism in Western Catalonia. La Cooperativa la Granadella, 1920-2022]. Juneda: Editorial Fonoll. In the early decades of the 20th century, cooperatives, as a form of collective entrepreneurship, and the cooperative movement experienced rapid growth in Western […]


Secondment at VNU, Hà Nội in April-May 2023

16th May, 2023, by Marco Lucio Sarcinella Within the framework of the EM4FIT project, I recently went on a research exchange to Hanoi, Vietnam, where I stayed for a month at the VNU-UEB. It took me a couple of days to get used to the new environment and figure out how the basic things worked. […]


Report for the secondment to Vetuan Valley, Madrid, as part of WP2 “Factors and motivation for sustainable entrepreneurship”

by Prof Martina Battisti This report outlines the comprehensive range of activities undertaken during my secondment at Tetuan Valley, Madrid from 25 September to 3 November 2023. I recently had the opportunity to do a secondment in Madrid, Spain, as part of the EM4FIT project/WP2 – “Factors and motivation for sustainable entrepreneurship”. This work package […]


Report for the secondment to Tetuan Valley, Madrid, Spain, WP2 “Motivation for Sustainable Entrepreneurship” and WP5 “Synthesis of Results and Findings for the EU and Entrepreneurship Education”

By Associate Professor Dr.phil.habil. Klarissa Lueg This report outlines the comprehensive range of activities undertaken during my secondment to Spain, from 4-18 February and 11-25 October 2023. The visit aimed to foster academic and in-practice collaboration and knowledge exchange, explore existing and potential hindrances and drivers for sustainable entrepreneurship and management from the perspective of […]


Entrepreneurial Management for Fostering Innovation and Talents (EM4FIT)

Report for the secondment to the Interna1onal University of Japan by Dr. Sylvia Rohlfer, principal researcher of WP3 “Entrepreneuring Management of Human Resources to Unleash Innovation and Forms of Organization” This report outlines the comprehensive range of activities undertaken during my secondment at the International University of Japan (IUJ) between the 26th of July to […]


Understanding and Promoting Sustainable Entrepreneurship in New Ventures

Experienced Researcher: Dr. Sylvia Rohlfer, CUNEF University, Madrid In the summer of 2023, I had the opportunity to conduct a research stay at Erhvervshus Sjaelland in Denmark. The main focus of my research was to explore the understanding and interplay between the three pillars of sustainability (economic, environmental, and social) in new ventures, along with […]