Work Package 6

Communication and Knowledge Dissemination

The consortium is highly committed to share and transfer the research results, innovations and knowledge gained during and after the project implementation, and to the disseminating these results to the scientific and professional communities in the management fields and to the public. This WP is dedicated to execute the EM4FIT Communication Strategy and principally produce public presentations, popular publications and press releases that will lead to achieving the objective of communication and knowledge dissemination of the project. The generated content will not only be disseminated through traditional media (e.g., print, direct mailings) but also through appropriate social media channels (e.g., Twitter, LinkedIn, ResearchGate). In such a way, the general awareness of the studied objects is increased by globally transferring the knowledge outcome of the project between research institutions and the non-academic sector. In consequence, new innovations and a higher level of research, and eventually attracting and generating totally new research and innovation ideas and networks are achieved.